Who is Mrs. Lilian Mugerwa Bikongoolo?
I am the director for Women and Children ministries at Central Uganda Conference (CUC). I am a wife and a mother of two lovely children.
What three things inspire you the most about ministry?
- I love Serving the Lord.
- I have a Passion for children.
- I have a Burden for women.
What is it about ministry that rouses your greatest interest and attention?
- Teaching and communicating the Bible truths to children in a mode and language they understand.
- Empowering women and leading them to serve their Lord.
Where do you see Central Uganda Conference in 10 years from now?
A Children ministries with well established infrastructure running different departments to effectively nurture children.
A women ministry with an army of evangelistic women and a department with several income generating projects to support women empowerment.
What is your favorite verse in the Bible?
Psalms 122:1 ” I was glad when they said to me, “Lets go to the LORD’s House.”