Youth Ministries | Identity

Adventurer Pledge, Law and Song

Law | Adventurer Song


Jesus can help me to:
With faith in the help of Jesus Christ my beloved friend, I can

Be obedient
I will do as I am asked in all that honors and glorifies God

Be pure
I will keep my mind and body free from all things that destroy it.

Be true
I will tell the truth at all times and conduct myself honestly in all things.

Be kind
I will be caring to all God’s creation.

Be respectful
I will be humble and treat others with respect no matter their age, race or religion.

Be attentive
I will take interest in all that I participate in and be observant as well.

Be helpful
I will assist and support others to accomplish the work at hand

Be cheerful
I will be jolly remembering that Jesus cares for me.

Be thoughtful
I will think about the needs of others unselfishly.

Be reverent
I will honor and fear God, and conduct myself well during worship and behave in a way that respects God


Because Jesus loves me, I will always do my best.

Adventurer Song

We are Adventurers, at home, at school, at play.
We are Adventurers, we’re learning every day –
To be honest, kind and true, to be like Jesus through and through.
We are Adventurers!

Adventurer Song made by ©SDA Worship videos ™