
When God’s People Pray

“Call to Me, and I will answer you, and show you great and mighty things, which you do not know.”

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CUC handover ceremony: new department directors take office

The newly elected directors of departments at Central Uganda Conference were officially handed offices in a cordial humble ceremony that was only attended by the CUC staff.

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SDA Church in Uganda elects new top officers for six fields across the country.

The turn of the year saw the Seventh-day Adventist Church elect new leadership in the top three positions of every field, mission and conference in Uganda. In a session chaired by Uganda Union president Pr. Dr. Maka Moses that took place on November 14th-15th in Entebbe, new field and conference officers were elected for the…

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Eight Tips For Teaching Your Sabbath School Class

Be that as it may, if you are a Sabbath School teacher, then you need to do it as well as you can.

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KAH Mega Fundraising concluded in style

The first ever public fundraising campaign for the multi-million dollar healthcare infrastructural project dubbed Kireka Adventist Hospital (KAH) MEGA Fundraising took place last weekend on July 30, 2022 at Kinawataka, the home of Kireka Adventist Hospital (KAH).

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Adventist Worship

Young people say their church is out of touch with the times. Significant numbers of members seem bored with worship. They’re voting for change, and they’re voting with their feet.

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Guiding principles for effective ministry

A leader who is not guided by the Holy Spirit will not be able to give a good representation of Christ.

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Re-election and marrying someone from another faith

The church recognizes that it is the prerogative of the individual to make the final decision relative to the choice of a marriage partner

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The Art of Speech: Brevity

SHORTER SERMONS, MORE MINISTERING Long sermons fail to do good, for both the speaker and the hearer become weary. Discourses should be shortened, and the physical and mental powers of the minister should be preserved for ministering, and a far greater work could be accomplished. TENFOLD GREATER RESULTS If our ministers would preach short discourses,…

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